Indie Author Spotlight: Maggie Smith

This interview with Maggie Smith is part of my Author Spotlight series, designed to compile authors’ experiences into a hub of inspiration and camaraderie for authors who need it. Visit the series homepage to learn more and see other entries.

What can you tell us about your current work in progress?

I will be releasing Blindspot, a psychological suspense, on May 21, 2024.

Why write?

I love creating characters and putting them in tight, morally ambiguous or conflicted situations and seeing what they will do.

Can you describe, briefly, your writing routine or process?

I write most morning from 10-1; I'm a dyed in the wool plotter, mainly using the Save the Cat method.

What are your big-picture goals as an author?

Keep writing novels that interest me and continue to help advance the careers of fellow writers.

In the moments when those goals feel far away, what keeps you motivated?

I hole up on my couch and read great books, and that gets me inspired again.

What’s the most difficult part of writing, in your opinion?

Switching between the creative mode of writing/creating and the mode of marketing/selling.

The most fun?

Meeting fellow writers—what a great bunch of people.

Who are or were your literary heroes?

Ann Patchett, Margaret Atwood, Lily King

What advice do you have for authors just starting out?

Learn one new thing every day; at the end of the year, you will be surprised how much you know. Keep your level of taste high, and always be working to write to that level.

Where can we buy your books/read your work?

My first novel, Truth and Other Lies, is available at all major online retailers; Blindspot will be released late May.