Indie Author Spotlight: A. R. Millner

This interview with A.R. Millner is part of my Author Spotlight series, designed to compile authors’ experiences into a hub of inspiration and camaraderie for authors who need it. Visit the series homepage to learn more and see other entries.

What can you tell us about your current work in progress?

The Locked Door is the story of a woman who left a complicated past behind, sacrificing the path her life had taken to fulfill what she considers her dream life, until her past comes back in an unexpected and brutal way, confronting her to her cruel choices, hurtful truths and repressed emotions.

Why write?

I couldn't not do it. I need to express my inner world on a different manner than speaking, more visceral, raw. And it's therapeutic.

Can you describe, briefly, your writing routine or process?

Atmospheric music, open document and eyes closed for some seconds. Then I start writing what it comes to my mind, not knowing what I'm going to write. I'm a pantser.

What are your big-picture goals as an author?

Write what I like without pressure or expectations. I don't need to be famous, I just want to write for me, and for a weird minority who could need my stories.

In the moments when those goals feel far away, what keeps you motivated?

I enjoy writing so much that I don't need any motivation.

What’s the most difficult part of writing, in your opinion?

Deadlines. The moment I feel that pressure, my mind goes blank.

The most fun?

Writing without thinking of an audience. It's liberating!

Who are or were your literary heroes?

Stephen King saved my sanity.

What advice do you have for authors just starting out?

Write what you feel, what you're passionate about. Don't follow trends; be authentic.

Where can we buy your books/read your work?

My blog, for now.