Indie Author Spotlight: Ophelia Kee

This interview with Ophelia Kee is part of my Author Spotlight series, designed to compile authors’ experiences into a hub of inspiration and camaraderie for authors who need it. Visit the series homepage to learn more and see other entries.

What can you tell us about your current work in progress?

The Mystic Dark miniseries is a spinoff from the Draoithe saga. Set in an eerily similar Chicago Illinois area, it's a thrilling dark urban fantasy with Steamy Paranormal Romance. This series includes over 10 novellas and is currently publishing as a serial at

Why write?

It started as an attempt to alleviate the boredom from a series of boring meetings at the day job and quickly metamorphed into an all-consuming passion to tell the story. I write for the high and for the love of storytelling. To write stories I want to read.

Can you describe, briefly, your writing routine or process?

Politely, I'm a random discovery writer. Honestly, I'm a chaotic pantser. I write in scenes. They may or may not fit in the current WIP or the current series. But when the characters speak, I write.

What are your big-picture goals as an author?

I would love to transition from the day job to full-time author some day, but marketing is a huge stumbling block for that.

In the moments when those goals feel far away, what keeps you motivated?

The writer's high. There's nothing comparable to the way it feels when the scene flows. The passion I once had reading as a child became a greater passion when I challenged myself to be the author I wanted to read.

What’s the most difficult part of writing, in your opinion?

Marketing. I'm total trash at selling anything. Publishing is tedious, but it is, in the end, a step-by-step process, and once a person learns how to use the different platforms they choose, it's basically a rinse-and-repeat process. But there's no one-size-fits-all for marketing. It's a lot of trial and error and finding a working way to reach readers.

The most fun?

Writing. I wouldn't stop writing even if the crystal ball told me I would never have financial success. I'm chasing the high from telling the story until it's all over.

Who are or were your literary heroes?

Tolkien, Jordan, Goodkind, Sanderson...

What advice do you have for authors just starting out?

Write. Just write. Tell the stories only you can tell. Write. And take your time setting things up. Research, and take your chance without fear. The world is waiting for great stories.

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